I meet my clients with deep compassion and total positive regard. We are both on this path together. As I help them find their way, they expand my world as well.
I’m in my 50’s. I have experienced a large life: kids, career, relationships, trauma, sickness and loss. Yet often, in my most successful moments, I was in pain. I felt stuck in my old wounds. Now I feel a lightness. Day to day, I feel free. Often, I am joyful. I never thought I would say that. I do this work to share what has healed me.
I have a graduate certification in trauma treatment, and I am a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. As well as training in the IFS basic, and trauma approach, I have training in Brainspotting, EMDR and Advanced Flash EMDR, which are first and second line, evidence-based treatments for psychological discomfort and trauma. Further, I studied process therapy at the Process Therapy Institute. Currently, I am executive clinical director of the Trauma Ketamine Program at Restoration Psychiatry where we implement my unique, trauma focused, ketamine treatment protocol.
My psychotherapy education is holistic; I engage a variety of interventions that engender systemic healing.
My approach centers in Internal Family Systems. I use a variety of modalities, including EMDR, Brainspotting, Sandtray, Jungian, and Process Therapy. Regardless of modality, I trust the individuals ability to access their own system's wisdom, which will lead to healing. It is my privilege to engage with deep compassion, honor, and listening.
Core Education
I have a masters degree in clinical psychology, with an added specialization in holistic interventions. I have an added graduate specialization in Trauma, which is the platform for my practice. I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in education and consciousness studies. Specifically, I am researching gender divergence in the neurobiology of trauma, and its clinical applications.
Trainings and Specializations
Master’s Level Certificate in Trauma Studies (John F. Kennedy University)
10 classes delivering 30 master level credit hours in trauma treatment (three years)
Assessment and treatment Planning for Trauma Treatment
Neurobiology of Trauma
Attachment and Developmental Approaches to Trauma
Legal and Ethical Issues in Trauma Treatment
Foundations of Trauma Studies
Somatic Approaches to Trauma
Working with Trauma in Family Systems
Approaches to Trauma and PTSD
Art Bases Trauma Interventions
Systemic Trauma
Internal Family Systems
Foundations of the IFS model: IFS Circle (6 Month intensive, IFS Institute)
Master’s Class: IFS in Action with Trauma and PTSD
The Treatment of Trauma and the Internal Family Systems Model
Working with Exiles & the Trauma Behind the Rage (IFS Institute)
Internal Family Systems and the Integrations of Neuroscience and Trauma Treatment
Harmony Within with IFS: Embracing Transformation through IFS (Dick Schwartz and Jeanne Catanzaro, Ph.D.)
Treating Complex PTSD with IFS (Frank Anderson, MD)
Three years of personal psychotherapy with Trained, Level 3, IFS therapist.
Ongoing IFS consultation with Level 3 certified IFS Trainer
EMDR Training; Part 1 (Philip Manfield, Ph.D)
EMDR Training; Part 2 (Philip Manfield, Ph.D)
40 hours supervision
EMDR Certified Therapist
IFS informed EMDR
IFS informed EMDR (Bruce Hersey, LCSW; EMDRIA Institute)
IFS-Informed EMDR: The Internal Family Systems Interweave (Bruce Hersey, LCSW; Syzygy Institute)
7 hours individual clinical supervision (Bruce Hersey, LCSW)
EMDR; Flash Technique
Memory Reconsolidation, the Flash Technique and EMDR (Philip Manfield, Ph.D)
Advanced Memory Reconsolidation, the Flash Technique and EMDR (Philip Manfield, Ph.D)
EMDR for Complex and Pre-Verbal Trauma
When There are No Words: EMDR for Early Trauma And Neglect Held in Implicit Memory (Saundra Paulsen, Ph.D.)
Brainspotting Level 1 (David Grand Ph.D., Lisa Larson, LMFT)
Brainspotting Level 2 ( Lisa Larson, LMFT)
Brainspotting Intensive (Kelley Larson, LMFT)
Brainspotting Master Class (David Grand, Ph.D)
Brainspotting Level 4 (David Grand, Ph.D)
Brainspotting Certified Consultant
Certified Clinical Trauma Professional
Dr. Robert Rhoton and Dr. Eric Gentry
Perspectives and Interventions
Healing the Fragmented Self after Trauma (Janina Fisher, Ph.D.)
Trauma, Dissociation and the Body: a Sensorimotor Approach (Pat Ogden, Ph.D.)
Gestalt therapy for Restoring Balance and Finding Inner Peace (Srini Katragadda, Ph.D.)
Process Therapy Institute
Basic Process (one year)
Process Therapy Supervision (two years)
Sandtray Experiential Therapy (Dr. Dee Preston-Dillon)
Sandtray Training Institute: Competencies in Sand: Principle, Practices and Presence (in process)
Psychedelics and Ketamine for Trauma Treatment
Psychedelic Assisted Therapy with IFS (Dick Schwartz)
No Bad Parts: Integrating Internal Family Systems (IFS) with Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy (Dick Schwartz)
Psychedelics in Therapy: MDMA, Psilocybin, Ketamine, Micro-Dosing (Pesi)
MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy (Michael Mithoefer MD, Annie Mithoefer BSN & Ron Siegel PsyD)
The Healing & Transformational Power of Music: Creating Music for Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy (Mendel Kaelen, PhD & Fleet Maull, PhD)
When Psychedelics Hurt: Psychedelic Unpleasant Experiences as a Pathway to Healing (Gabor Mate, M.D.)
Evidence-Based Therapy Practices in Psilocybin-Assisted Interventions (Matthew Johnson, PhD)
The Internal Family Systems Approach to Psychedelic Experiences (Dick Schwartz)